The Second
HMS Manchester Association
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The Buzz - (Part 3) continued....

By our "On The Spot" Correspondent

Robbie Robson joined Manchester in build in 1982 and formed part of the First Commission and among other tasks outside the RPs Gloom Room, he was also the first LHOM of 3S Stbd Mess.  He served his time onboard, and on discharge from the mob he moved to Spain. 

The summer of 2024 saw Robbie back in the UK visiting family and friends, which also saw him walking along The Hard and past the Ship Anson on Friday 7th June, where he spotted someone he recognised, and then someone else, and someone wearing a Manchester crested polo shirt!  What's going on here he thought? 

When he found out, he carried out the correct action drill and stopped for a few jars, before making his way to his original destination.  We were unable to entice him to attend the re-union, but we do have his email address and we will be sending him a copy of The Buzz and hopefully he will join. 

It was Good to meet you, Robbie!

Robbie, Buzz and a guy called Sid!
(and a nice phot of the defibrillator donated by 2MA)

Ships Company!
And as often happens one good dit produces another -

By our Fast Food Correspondent

After an emotional afternoon meeting up with old oppo Robbie Robson and having supped a few scoops before, during and after Robbie's departure, Buzz, steering an unsteady and erratic course, set off to get some scran.  This saw his arrival at a famous burger outlet which must remain anonymous 'cos they are not loving it!'

Confronted by the big touch screen displays of all the options and goodies available - this will never catch on in naval stores - it reminded him of all the bright displays in the ops room on a certain Type 42!  In no time at all he was pressing all the screen buttons and after a while he sat down and waited the arrival of his goodies. 

He noticed other people come in, use the touch screens, get their order and depart and Buzz is now ravenous.  Soon an operative appeared with a large bag.  No!  a really, really large bag with Buzz's feast in!           ALL SIXTY ONE QUIDS WORTH!

Buzz waiting for a taxi back to his accom!!!
Tuck in Shipmate!

By our Historical Correspondent

In the early years of the Second HMS Manchester Association we built up a healthy rapport with the boys of the first HMS Manchester, and their secretary, Maurice Broad.  On one occasion he showed us a large written history of the cruiser which was compiled by W. Butler. 

Anyone interested in naval history would find this a very interesting read indeed and be amazed at the quality of the hand written text.

In the pages preface of this book is a statement by the author with his wishes that the book be passed to the Museum of the Royal Navy when the cruiser association ceases to exist.

Sadly, when Maurice passed away in 2022 it effectively brought an end to their association,  with any remaining members having already celebrated their centenary.

During the late spring of 2024, Maurice's wife, Joy, arranged for this large book to be forwarded  to The Museum of the Royal Navy.  Surprisingly, they didn't want it! 

Exactly how it ended up in the Ship Anson is somewhat a mystery, but Terry, the landlord of said Ship Anson was aware of our forthcoming re-union and took custody of the book and passed it to us for safekeeping.

We intend to feature extracts of the history in "The Buzz" in future editions.  To help preserve the book we will be replacing the greaseproof paper interleaves with acid free paper.

An extract from the book appears on the next two pages.  The photographs are 86 years old and remember, we are here today because they were here yesterday!!
