The Second
HMS Manchester Association
The Buzz - (Part 8) continued....
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Richard "Dickie" Coupe OBE
1951 - 2024
Dickie Coupe joined the Royal Navy in the late 60s as a young scribe, and in a circa 30 year career he rose to the rank of SD Commander before retirement in 1999. One of our members remembers him as the CPOWtr on Falmouth.
He joined Manchester as the Supply Officer in Caracas, Venezeula, in the early part of that infamous global voyage, where his duties also encompassed that as Flight Deck Officer. He was also aware of the back door into the CPOs Mess!
Rumour control also has it that during the Fleet Review Day in Sydney, he was seen ashore with A N Other in square rig attracting companionship and drinks!!
In 1997 he was awarded the OBE in recognition of his services to the Royal Navy.
On retirement from the Pusser he became Bursar at Wellington School for 11 years before final retirement in 2010.
His funeral took place on July 18th 2024.
…and finally, a personal recollection by our football correspondent -
Dickie and I went on a run ashore in Oxford on January 20th 1988, which just happened by some miracle to coincide with Manchester United's visit to Oxford United in the League Cup. We had a great time. However, the match result is withheld to save embarrassment, as is Dickie's informal discussions with a Police Officer!
RIP Shipmate, a genuinely nice guy and a great guy to work for.
Following on from a very successful Re-union at the Holiday Inn in Pembroke Road, Portsmouth, in 2023, we were looking forward to a repeat performance in 2024. Sadly, it was not to be, and full details of what transpired, what we did about it, and what we have done since will appear in the Members Only part of the Buzz for obvious reasons.
As is the norm, we despatched the Calling Notice on the 4th and 5th March, and we duly received 159 apologies, with the more interesting reasons received from -
Neil ANDERSON - In Gibraltar
Boff BANCROFT - Playing competitive darts!
Michael BULL - In Greece