The Second
HMS Manchester Association
Phots supplied by various people who were there
Ann Hazeldon, Sam Wellens, Don Hazeldon and Ted Weager
'Fletch', Dave M, Dave A, 'Jan', Dave P and 'Daz'
'Buzz's' guests
Darren and Colin Braithwaite
Knocker White (r) spins yet another golfing dit to Tommy Tucker
Ronnie and Phil Southcott
Connie assisting with raffle tickets
- Well done Shipmate!
Bungy Williams, Neil D'Arcy and Shep Colley in discussion at the far end of the bar with Eddie and Nobby in discussion at the other end of the bar!
Former Culinary Controller admires the spread!
Me and Him before the Raffle
People get ready for Raffle and Auction
The Raffle and Auction begin....
Taff Spear collects his raffle prize