The Second
HMS Manchester Association
For New Joiners please see Latest News
This page is undergoing a period of Re-construction
Aficionados of this website will be aware that all new joiners to the 2nd HMS Manchester Association benefit (!) from a "Personality paragraph" on the Latest News page of this site by way of introduction to our motley crew.  This is obviously detrimental to the wellbeing of our "old hands" and in the months ahead we will be redressing the balance and be highlighting the personal attributes of all our members.  So if the space below your name is blank, standby for a phone call, and remember...we never let the truth come between us and a good story!!
Click here for Page 11
Association Members
Joined 20th November 2009 (211)
87 - 90 & 91 - 92

Pip Piper joined Pusser UK in 1986, and after a swift bout of training at Follyfoot Farm to become an RP, drafty promptly sent him to sea...on the pride of the Navy, the Mighty Manch! (87-90 and 91-92).  Soon promoted to an irresponsible position - Navigator's Yeoman - Pip particularly remembers Mombasa and the time he was detailed for Mess Cooks.  Confronted with a mountain of loafing scran bag items, Pip took the opportunity to strengthen relations with the local community by selling the whole lot to the gadgi on the jetty who had already made a mint selling dodgy wooden artefacts to the Chief's Mess!! (Gen dit, I've some of that "evidence" in the attic. Ed).  Our hero was also meggarly impressed by the workings of Hubble/Hirji Airways - 23 hours a day to do what you want, stand easys not included - and in no time at all Pip had
slapped in to branch change and was off to aircrew training, and the experience of being suspended 60ft below a helo that was twice as old as he was!!  Further induction training included a trip to the premises of R Goss to purchase a deluxe click click bed, five gallons of sun creme, and a really large wheel barrow to cart his flying pay inflated wallet around!!  Still serving with Wafoo World, Pip spends all his time at Disneyland Cornwall improving his golf handicap!  Not due to retire until the mid 2020's - evidently the Pusser thinks it is short of wafoos - obviously didn't check out the West Country 'cos there are more hairy fairies there than rabbits!  Pip learned about the 2nd HMS Manchester Association from surfing the web on a day when it was too wet for golf!

Mark "Scouse" PLATT
Joined 7th February 2023 (367)

Michael "Micky" PLUMMER
Joined 16th November 2011 (255)

87 - 90

Ian Poulter joined the recreational branch of Pusser UK (aka the Fleet Air Arm) in 1978, and in a WHIRLWIND (he'd get upset if we didn't mention a helo!) pensionable career he went to sea on Ye Olde Rusty "B", Hermes, Nottingham, Marlborough and a fistful of RFA's although only Nottingham and his time on the Mighty Manch (87 - 90) were actually full sea drafts.  The remainder were FAA sponsored jollys to warm and sunny climes!  Another who voted Singapore as his best D95 run ashore (Cultural note: - too many Tigers and sticky greens can leave you feeling a little SIKORSKY!), whilst Tortola (BVI) also gets an honourable mensh for the time he was detached from Herpes with some booties for a two week exercise.  Royal immediately yomped away to play war games, whilst the wafoos headed for the bar and the beach...well someone had to!

Ian also holds the distinction of being the only woo to stand tall in the quasi shack...and that was with his high heels on!  Our hero also recalls the time when he heard a SEA KING was coming onboard D95 enroute to Mombers.  Unfortunately this particular SEA KING - Neptune by name - had an aversion to one hemisphere wafoos and instead of a meeting with an angry palm tree, our hero received a good gunking instead!

Outside since 2000, Ian lives and works in WESSEX, at the FAA rest home at Westlands.  His recreational activities include swimming, playing league snooker, and he loves to tackle the Munros in Scotland in the summer.  A fan of the oval ball game (closet WASPs supporter?!).  He also likes to crack the Army-Navy rugby match at Twickers and is keen to hear if anyone else in 2MA attends, so he can buy them a beer!  Ian's favourite deodorant is of course, LYNX!!

Joined 27 January 2014 (292)

Steve "Taff" POWELL

Joined 24th February 2021 (339)

Steven "Pricky" PRICE (296)
Joined 20th March 2014

Christopher "Percy" PURCELL
Joined 5th May 2008
84 - 87 & 89 - 92

Percy Purcell was a killick seaman onboard the Mighty Manch 84-87 and again from 89-92 which makes him yet another Global 86 vet! (no comment!).  A sailor who also saw service on Sheffield (1982), Glasgow and Apollo, he chose Singapore as his best global experience..., but declined to say why!  However, informed sources do tell us of an interesting story of our hero in St Petersburg, Russia, whilst St Mungo's warship was acting as guardship to the Royal Yacht.  Lurking with intent on the jetty alongside the yacht, it wasn't long before a friendly soul invited him onboard for a beer.  Firmly ensconced in the WO & CPOs Mess, which just happened to be throbbing at the time, Percy's hosts got round to dit spinning about all the various ports the Royal Yacht had visited.  Eager to impress, Percy informed his hosts that he knew one big harbour that the Royal Yacht had never visited.  'Where's that?' his hosts enquired... "Portland, Dorset" replied Percy, "'cos you b@stards don't do work up"!  A comment that got Percy a prompt tour of the gangway! (information anonymously supplied by the Royal Buffer!).  Now retired from Pusser UK Ltd, Percy resides in the UKs premier naval port.  He heard about the Association from Jack Russell. 

Joined 3rd April 2009 (198)
82 - 85

Trevor Quickfall joined Pusser UK Ltd in 1973 as a skin and essence (his words) baby chef and having learned how to pluck a Spithead pheasant he was off to sail the seven seas for 30 plus years onboard London - the Fountain Lake Guardship - Falmouth, Her Majesty's finest, Newcastle and Cardiff before things turned nasty and he had to suffer Illustrious and Ark Royal before retiring as a WOCK.  Another who rates D95 as his best ship - Trev was a first commissioner - with the City of Manchester being the best run ashore (I wonder why?!), he also recalls doing a pre-global recce on Falmouth in the late 70's which included jollies to Oz and Hawaii among others.  As a first commissioner, Trev also lays claim to a "first", and he was the first chef to burn scran on the first night at sea!  To be fair, it was a complex dish, the magnificent maritime morsel cheesyhammyeggy (Delia, if you read this the ingredients consist of cheese - pusser's mousetrap, ham and er...eggs!!)  and having tried to kill off half the ship's company with his culinary skills he thought it a very good idea if he saved just one of his shipmates for a second attempt!!...and the lucky man was Buzz Bee!  Twas in the warm waters of Portland Harbour during a FOST sponsored late night swim for the ships divers including Trev and Buzz, that Buzz got into extreme difficulties.  In a nutshell Trev really, really was a hero, and using all the strength he had gained from cracking eggs, he managed to locate Buzz, get him out of the oggin and onto a cat and commenced mouth to mouth regurgitation.  Such was the nature of Trev's actions he subsequently received official recognition from none other than ER of London!!  However, further recognition was not so forthcoming when, as a member of the ship's Rugby team, they were comprehensively thrashed by the women of the Greater Manchester Police Force...even the third half!!  (from hero to zero in one easy move!).  Now retired from Pusser UK Limited, Trev lives with his wife Gerry in Scotland where he works as a Health and Safety advisor.  His ambition is now to bag all of the 284 Munros.  Trev heard about the 2nd HMS Manchester Association 'cos I told him again, and again, and again!!

04/84 - 11/85

Andy served onboard between April 84 and November 85 and found out about the Association from Ken Hinchcliffe.  I am sure we can find out something more about Andy in the near future!!

Mark "Gerry" RAFFERTY
Joined 02 May 2016 (319)

Joined 28th March 2009 (196)
89 - 91

Jez Raymond joined Pusser UK Ltd in 1988 as an MEM(L), and after a quick intro to the world of wiggly things, he was off to the Mighty Manch as a lamp tramp and coffee boat bosun under the expert tutelage of the "master" himself - Stevie Swaine!  In a pensionable career that is just drawing to a close, Jez has fixed the bunk lights on Newcastle, Fawn, Illustrious and Grafton, and it is said bunk lights that played a significant part in his career progression.  Having noticed the amount of time a tiff's bunk light is in the "off" position, he adopted the "if you can't beat them, join them" stance and duly metamorphosised into a fully grown tiff!!  (B13ies may pause and expectorate at this point!).  Recalling the time he spent on D95, Jez remembers hitching a lift on an 18 wheeler whilst stumbling back to the Mighty Manch in Abu Dhabi.  Unfortunately, and here is the green rub, the vehicle was - not to put too fine a point on it - stolen!  As a result Jez, got his collar felt and his wallet lightened to the tune of a 140 sovs - a sum slightly greater than that charged by the local 'Me c u off big style taxi company'!  Jez now lives in the Grand Dutchy of Waterlooville. 

Derek "Del" REA
Joined 25th February 2011 (241)

Joined 5th November 2011 (253)